Heidi Strandberg, Principal
Emal: hstrandberg@lcmcisd.org
Phone: (409) 883-2317
Jeremy Watzlavik Tesssa Humble
Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
Emal: jwatzlavik@lcmcisd.org thumble@lcmcisd.org
Katie Stout
Emal: kstout@lcmcisd.org
Phone: (409) 883-2317 Ext. 3100
LCJH Photo ID Policy:
Your children are very important to us here at LCJH! As an extra safety measure, all students will be receiving a Photo ID and lanyard. The first ID and lanyard will be absolutely free! All students will be required to wear their Photo ID on a lanyard, around the neck. It is to be displayed at all times while on campus. A routine ID check will be made daily during 2nd. If the student does not have their ID in 2nd, a new one will be requested immediately by the 2nd period teacher and the student will be charged $5. The $5 will not include a new lanyard. In order to maintain some individuality, students are welcome to wear any lanyard that is school appropriate.
We appreciate your help in making LCJH a safe place to be!